Friday, October 31, 2014


Two weeks ago when I gave you the news about Mark. You like all of us were sad. 

You then  asked to see, Ryan, I flew him in. 

You said good bye to your grand kids and slipped. 

On cue as always, you put others in front of you. You hung on for 14 days while we waited for paper work to clear  to bring mark home. 

Today after we dropped flowers on Marks Casket and lowered it we came to see you after the funeral. 

I held your hand, your eyes where open, I moved a bit to the right your eyes followed, then a bit to the left, again they followed.

Although you could not move, you saw me in my suit, tears ran down the sides of your face. Ten more breaths and you are gone.

Thank you for waiting for us to deal with Mark.

You had a long life, suffering in the end.

You were a great mom.

You always loved Halloween, loved giving the kids big bags of chips and candy. You were so generous. 

Ironic, you pick this day to move on to the next level. 

I love you. I will take care of dad, don't worry. But you know that. 

Mark always loved your meat balls. He's going to get fat now that the two of you are  up in heaven. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


The world lost a beautiful child on Saturday. Just 28 years old: He was doing what he always does on weekends. Climbing to the tops of mountains in Swiss Alps.

Got the call Sunday afternoon. We've gone through cases and cases of kleenex.

His mom and dad, text book perfect.  His up brining magnificent, he excelled at school, graudaured with honors, recently promoted working and playing in Zurich.
He had more friends than there are mosquitoes at Brighton Speedway on a July humid night.

A slip and fall 150m drop he's gone.

His parents are crushed, devastated squared. His brother a walking zombie. The entire family will never recover from this.. It's Imposable.

This is truly one of the sadest weeks of our families life...

Good bye perfect Nephew.