Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Done posting for a while, got to do some work.

Great News after 50 or so Publishers, FINALLY got one to open his wallet. Had to go to NYC

My book is going to rock, not happy about having to re write a few chapters. But life's a bitch.

Dead line DEC 1  In store Spring  2013

Got the title short listed to 3 sorry can't give it up , that 's all I need for one of you to copy write the title.

It's a spoof Success book.

 The publisher Loves it, we may even leave in the bad grammar and speeling in the education chapter.


  1. Tkid here ...

    Congratulations! I hope the book does well and I will keep my eye out for it!

  2. why wouldnt you self publish instead of going thru the publisher hoops?

  3. read on the blog you are now self publishing your book. Good man.
