Friday, June 6, 2014

The Retarded Pug


  1. I suppose it confirms the old adage that owners look like their dog?
    In your case SM who is the butt ugliest, you or the pooch?

  2. phrenology for you.
    the observation influences the observer.

  3. Pugs are too inbred. Some can barely breathe, sad.

    Have you ever read Journey to the End of the Night?

    1. I don't read, they say writers read, I'm not a writer.

      I'm an observer who lacks the technical skills to clearly put those observation to type.

      What makes me special. I give no fuck if the reader ever gets it..

      They gave brain, figure it out.

    2. Too bad as you'd probably enjoy it. All writers are observers, some have learned to sharpen their pencils to communicate their observations with clarity and style.

      “There's no tyrant like a brain. ”
      ― Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of the Night

  4. “When you stop to examine the way in which our words are formed and uttered, our sentences are hard-put to it to survive the disaster of their slobbery origins. The mechanical effort of conversation is nastier and more complicated than defecation. That corolla of bloated flesh, the mouth, which screws itself up to whistle, which sucks in breath, contorts itself, discharges all manner of viscous sounds across a fetid barrier of decaying teeth—how revolting! Yet that is what we are adjured to sublimate into an ideal. It's not easy. Since we are nothing but packages of tepid, half-rotted viscera, we shall always have trouble with sentiment. Being in love is nothing, its sticking together that's difficult. Feces on the other hand make no attempt to endure or grow. On this score we are far more unfortunate than shit; our frenzy to persist in ourpresent state—that's the unconscionable torture.
    Unquestionably we worship nothing more divine than our smell. All our misery comes from wanting at all costs to go on being Tom, Dick, or Harry, year in year out. This body of ours, this disguise put on by common jumping molecules, is in constant revolt against the abominable farce of having to endure. Our molecules, the dears, want to get lost in the universe as fast as they can! It makes them miserable to be nothing but 'us,' the jerks of infinity. We'd burst if we had the courage, day after day we come very close to it. The atomic torture we love so is locked up inside us by our pride.”
    ― Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of the Night

    “In the whole of your absurd past you discover so much that's absurd, so much deceit and credulity, that it might be a good idea to stop being young this minute, to wait for youth to break away from you and pass you by, to watch it going away, receding in the distance, to see all its vanity, run your hand through the empty space it has left behind, take a last look at it, and then start moving, make sure your youth has really gone, and then calmly, all by yourself, cross to the other side of Time to see what people and things really look like.”
    ― Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of the Night

    “The coldest most rational scientific madness is also the most intolerable. But when a man has acquired a certain ability to subsist, even rather scantily, in a certain niche with the help of a few grimaces, he must either keep at it or resign himself to dying the death of a guinea pig. Habits are acquired more quickly than courage, especially the habit of filling one's stomach.”
    ― Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Journey to the End of the Night

    1. Damn, you know I'm going to read it now....

    2. It was only one of the most influential, and reviled, books of the 20th century. Just sayin'. It'll strip you naked and keep you laughing all the way. A writer's writer, an underground secret that's not so secret.

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  8. Dude the blog will only tolerate chirps against smoking man, got a beff with Garth, tell him yourself.

  9. "Felt good, almost like a god… " porco dio

  10. Time for a new post already, Pugs are so obvious and mundane. Why did you delete the last one? Move're on the road to recovery are you not you Grecian Formula?

  11. Hey Smokey,

    Has a camel toe showed up in that shiny yellow metal yet? Trying to take night courses at Smoking Man U by reading your old posts.
