Tuesday, December 17, 2013

STUCK again

How did I develop this insane obsession to write a fucking book. Maybe I will write a book about trying to write a book. How the hell do you do that.

Here goes.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what the fuck am I even going to write about?  

The fact I died for 15 minutes, in 1993 and took an incredible trip around the universe with a naked stripper angle, learning everything there is to know. I now have the power to heal and control the destiny of all mankind. What if I told you I met god and we had a long and interesting discussion on high price of real estate on the planet Zion and having sex with stripper angles. At first the talks where cool only to discover later it wasn’t god at all but the crazy voice inside my head fucking with me as he always does.

When you’re writing a book is it good practice to show you’re a great guy by thanking all the people in your life for helping you write it.

Why should I, no one really helped me, in fact most people are a hindrance too my creative efforts. Always telling me I’m wasting my time, you can’t read, write, or spell what the hell are you doing in this play ground, you don’t belong, writing belongs to nobles and intellectuals.

Well they don’t really say that out load, but I know they think it. I can read minds, remember I died.

If I could only get control of the moving of my lips when I’m thinking folks would be a bit more respectful. The looks I have gotten over the years.

What will you my book buyer look like? News for you, I know every single one of you. Do you want me to list all your names to prove it? I can if you want? But I have a bet to win and a deadline to meet.

I made a huge life or death bet with the crazy voice in side my head that I could write a book by Feb 15th. If I win the bastard leaves forever. If I lose it takes over my body.

Never thought it would be this hard. Even as I type the voice is fucking with me right now. “You got a small dick, let me fuck Debbie tonight give her what she’s longing for” How do you even have job, you’re a loser.

Trying to write this with that son of a bitch in my ears is making the walls of the universe squeeze against my rib cage from all the three dimensions, I can't inhale or exhale. My only escape is to finish the bottle as fast as I can and land in the fuzzy zone so I can start thinking and typing and get the fucker out of my head. My wife who loves me has rationed and almost cut off my supply line of brain food.

Before I take you on this incredible journey around the universe I feel you need to know a little about your story teller.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Doing Book Here

I'm witting the book right here. I need an audience even if it's only a few 10 to 100 a day. I can't type into a dead word doc. I fucking can't. Few sentence's a day.Ya lets try it this way. It aint working the other way.
Dogs get it for free-----WooHoo

My Book. ........................................

The Loser's Lounge

The walls of my world are squeezing against my rib cage from all the three dimensions, I can't inhale or exhale. My only escape is to finish the bottle as fast as I can and stop thinking. Thinking is bad. 

My life would be a lot less complicated if I  could find some resealable excuse for fitting in, the need for acceptance is a life sentence in a small windowless cage void of light.

Being completely insane is my protection it is the only way to escape and be free from the influences of the marketing wizardry of the soul sucking vampires all taking stabs at owning my belief system and turning me into a slave.. 

And when you are on the ground gasping for your last breaths, pleading and begging for help.

They just step on your face and when one starts others follow,  it then becomes consensus, and even more join into the fun and now everyone is putting the boots to your face.

There are no good men in the world. Just fools. 

Nature has a system. You're are either predictor or prey. You are the meal or the guy who shits you out.

Now your teacher would never teach you that because they weren't taught the laws of nature.

They are robots making robots who make other robots that make robots.

They are the first to have access and programming rights to the biological hard drives of brand new computers we call four year old's. They get the first crack to shape the belief system. Memorize regurgitate, hard work, servitude, home work, sacrifice, obedience, humbleness, gratitude, honesty is all need to be successful.

(WHAT in a globalized world. Are these people insane.)

No it's not, not even close, those characteristics are slavery.  At leased the black slaves in the south knew they where slaves. Our present day kids, mom's dad's have no idea they are slaves.

To add insult to injury when they go to university they pay and pay huge, mom and dad are convinced  by consensus that they are doing the best thing for the kids.

I can Google then download software which allows me to design small aircraft to airliners for Christ sake's. It's free.

People can't think anymore. At the height of the financial crises the best selling book at the time was the secrete, It taught,  just will your good fortune and it will come. Ha diffident quite work out did it.

You got learn to hunt, the world is a smaller place, competition everywhere alpha's rule. They always have 2000 years ago they went with names like Jesus, Moses, Mohamed. Humans evolved a bit. Then it was kings and queens. Then we discovered democracy with elected leaders. And now we have the back room boys, those are the dudes you want to be friends with. They are the Smoking Men. They are the ones that can turn your life into instant prosperity or destroy you.

The first step is to start a business.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fred Reed nails it.

Notes on the Pussification of America

It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and diminished futures. The evidence is everywhere. Few dare notice it.
The feminization is real. More than seventy-five percent of teachers are women; in New York state, over ninety percent of elementary school teachers are women; in the US, over seventy percent of psychologists are women, with (sez me) the rest being doubtful. This is feminization with fangs.
I have just read Back to Normal: Why Ordinary Childhood Behavior Is Mistaken for ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder, by psychologist Enrico Gnaulati, who works with children alleged to have psychological problems in school, usually meaning boys. I decline to recommend it because of its psychobabble, its tendency to discover the obvious at great length, and its Genderally Correct pronouns, which will grate on the literate. (I mean constructions resembling “If a student comes in, tell him or her that he or she should put his or her books in his or her locker.”) However, a serious interest in the subject justifies slogging through the prose. (The statistics above are from the book.)
The relevant content is that women are making school hell for boys, that they have turned normal boyish behavior such as enjoyment of roughhousing into psychiatric “personality disorders.” They are doping boys up, forcing them into behavior utterly alien to them, and sending them to psychiatrists if they don’t conform to standards of behavior suited to girls. The result is that boy children hate school and do poorly (despite, as Gnaulati, says, having higher IQs). This is no secret for anyone paying attention, but Gnaulati makes it explicit.
“Women should not be allowed within fifty feet of a school where boys are taught.”
As a galling example he cites one Robert, an adolescent responding badly to classes and therefore suspected by his teacher of having a “personality disorder.” From the book:
She required all forty students in the class to design Valentine’s Day cards for each other. She was emphatic about wanting them personalized. Names had to be spelled correctly and compliments written up genuinely.
Valentines? This was eighth-grade English. Students, who by then once knew grammar cold, should be reading literature or learning to write coherently. In my eighth-grade class, we read Julius Caesar: “I want the men around me to be fat, healthy-looking men who sleep at night.” Valentines? Compliments?
This, the author assures the reader, did not take place in an asylum for the mildly retarded, but in one of the ten best high schools in California. What must the rest be like?

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

It all makes sense now

Dyslexic Strengths

  1. Often highly creative
  2. Persistent
  3. Can easily grasp new concepts
  4. See patterns, connections and similarities that others don’t see
  5. Excellent at solving puzzles
  6. Holistic:  they see the big picture, don’t get lost in details, get to the important aspects
  7. Excellent comprehension of stories read or told to them
  8. Strong reasoning skills
  9. Understand abstract ideas
  10. Inclination to think outside the box

Dyslexic Careers

These strengths lend themselves nicely into these careers.
  • Science/Research
  • Marketing/Sales
  • Design
  • Woodworking/Carpentry
  • Artist
  • Actor
  • Architect
  • Mechanic
  • Engineering
  • Photography
  • Music
  • Athletics
  • Software design

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The shear lunacy of Science and Schooling system that feeds it.

The stats quo of our scientific community are insane. Typhoon Haiyan was caused by man made taxable carbon. A category 4 storm at best when it hit land. MSM severely exaggerated it's winds.

Really guys?

Al Gore licking his lips at the thought of firing up his carbon trading system in Chicago. $$$$$
These morons think the Universe is expanding, every law of physics is chucked out the window if one opens wide and swallows this load of bull shit. It’s impossible. 

They claim that galaxies are moving away from each other at an ever increasing speed, and the further out into space one goes the expansion and speed is close to the speed of light.
Do they ever ask themselves how fucking heavy a planet or a sun is.

Did they ever calculate the amount of energy required to move it just 1, one thousandth of a mm. 
Now let’s move an entire galaxy toward the speed of light.
Yet in the same breath  they say It’s impossible to move a grain of sand up to the speed of light, that would require all the energy in the universe.

To add insult to injury from our vantage point everything is moving away form our observation points here on earth. What are we the centre point of the universe? 

Stupid me, it’s dark matter pushing them away from each other, yes of course nothingness is doing this heavy lifting. And it’s centre point is the planet earth. 

Losers I'm thinking.

Albert Einstein nailed it with his theory of relativity.  Energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared. 

In English that means a hunk of plutonium can be turned into energy, example an atomic bomb.

By the same token although not demonstrated yet other than the big bang, you have a tiny pocket of massive energy that lights up and transforms into matter, hence universe. 
Now to a dyslexic with vision this can mean just one thing.
Galaxies are shrinking in mass, the mass is being transformed to energy and absorbed by the black hole in the centre of each galaxy.

Click on pic Big circle Galaxy before shrinkage, little circle Galaxy after shrinkage.

As the gravitational pull at the centre increases so does the speed of galactic shrinkage. The result is gravity is growing in strength , gravity pulling toward each other. Be it at a lower rate than that of shrinkage. 

So as we observe distant galaxies they appear to be moving away from each other when in actuality they are shrinking and getting closer to each other till eventually in the future the black holes converge in what I call the gathering.

They will swallow each other up and condense into the size of an atom.Then just before it's crunched into nothingness.


BIG bang again.

Albert Einstein: said: 
"School failed me, and I failed the school. It bored me. The teachers behaved like Feldwebel (sergeants). I wanted to learn what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for the exam. What I hated most was the competitive system there, and especially sports. Because of this, I wasn't worth anything, and several times they suggested I leave. I felt that my thirst for knowledge was being strangled by my teachers, grades were their only measurement . How Can a teacher understand youth with such a system? From the age of twelve I began to suspect authority and distrust teachers." 

What the f-k did he know....... What the f-k does a Smoking Man know.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Swap out Titanium for Smoking Man

Too busy to Post on GF or Here:
Books to write, tax farm slavery 10 h/p/d, and helping kids with their business.

Swap out Titanium for Smok....ing ...Mannnn

Love this, after the kid cause he had special power that they feared.

By John White Head

These days, it is far too easy to rattle off the outrageous examples of zero tolerance policy run amok in our nation’s schools. A 14-year-old student arrested for texting in class. Three middle school aged boys in Florida thrown to the ground by police officers wielding rifles, who then arrested them for goofing off on the roof of the school. A 9-year-old boy suspended for allegedly pointing a toy at a classmate and saying “bang, bang.” Two 6-year-old students in Maryland suspended for using their fingers as imaginary guns in a schoolyard game of cops and robbers. A 12-year-old New York student hauled out of school in handcuffs for doodling on her desk with an erasable marker. An 8-year-old boy suspended for making his hand into the shape of a gun, in violation of the school district’s policy prohibiting “playing with invisible guns.” A 17-year-old charged with a felony for keeping his tackle box in his car parked on school property, potentially derailing his chances of entering the Air Force. Two seventh graders in Virginia suspended for the rest of the school year for playing with airsoft guns in their own yard before school.Thus, it’s tempting, when hearing about the 7-year-old suspended for chewing his Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun to chalk it up to an isolated example of school officials lacking in common sense. However, as I point out in my book A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, these incidents are far from isolated, occurring as they have for the better part of the past 30 years under the guise of maintaining safety and security in the schools. They are part of a concerted, top-down approach to creating a generation of obedient worker-bees content to be directed, distracted and kept in line.Despite a general consensus that zero tolerance policies have failed to have any appreciable impact on student safety, schools have doubled down on these policies to the detriment of children all across the nation. Indeed, the zero tolerance mindset is so entrenched among school administrators all over America that we are now seeing school officials reaching into the personal lives of students to police their behavior at all times. For example, 13,000 students in the Glendale Unified School District in California are now being subjected to constant social media monitoring by school officials. Superintendent Richard Sheehan has hired private firm Geo Listening to analyze the public social media posts of students both off and on campus. Whether on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or any other social media platform, students will have their posts and comments analyzed for evidence of “bullying, cyber-bullying, hate and shaming activities, depression, harm and self harm, self hate and suicide, crime, vandalism, substance abuse and truancy.”Unfortunately, the Glendale program is simply one component of a larger framework in which all student activity is treated as an open book by school administrators. What we are witnessing is a paradigm shift in American society, in which no personal activity is safe from the prying eyes of government agents and their corporate allies. Every decision and action, no matter how innocent, is scrutinized, analyzed, filed, stored, and eventually held against you when those in power feel like it.When one pulls back the veil of zero tolerance, one can see the real culprit is the corporate-state, which has been meticulously applying the zero tolerance mindset to not just public schools in America, but our workplaces, our political forums, our social interactions and even our own homes. The end result is a society which is completely pacified and willing to march in lockstep with the corporate-state.Government officials have worked hard to indoctrinate Americans into the belief that everything you do is suspect, and anything you do can be held against you at a later date. This mindset is clear in all aspects of society, from zero tolerance policies in our nation’s schools, to SWAT team raids in our neighborhoods, from the NSA’s surveillance of all Americans’ communications, to the corporate-state’s insistence that people aren’t capable of managing their own affairs. More and more people are becoming suspicious of others, quick to judge, and more than willing to follow the government’s dictates, however irrational and immoral they may be.This manner of thinking has been slowly adopted by many Americans, but more worrisome is the manner in which it’s being foisted upon our nation’s youth. We are now living in an era in which childhood as it was once understood, a time to learn, to make mistakes, to try and fail, to try again and succeed, has been replaced by the worst elements of corporate and government culture. Children are treated as workers and prisoners, collected, corralled and controlled by teachers who increasingly act as bureaucrats, forced to fit every child into the exact same mold, regardless of their personal abilities and talents. This mindset is apparent among the proponents of the Common Core Testing Standards which threaten to unleash a new system of standardized testing on a new generation of kids.As communications consultant Luba Vangelova has noted, the key attributes of a productive member of society are “a zest for life, creativity, perseverance, empathy, effective communication and the ability to cooperate with others. These are things that can’t be measured well – if at all – by tests.” Our obsession with testing leaves children without basic reasoning and analysis skills. They are taught to parrot information, rather than produce arguments. Their value is tied to letter grades and numbers.Psychologist Peter Gray takes this criticism further, noting that children today are rarely allowed the opportunity to engage in undirected creative activity, also known as playing. Gray notes that since the 1960s, time for play has taken a backseat in the lives of children in favor of rigid curriculums revolving around high-stakes testing. Even sports, which were once simply games played on the fly by a mixed group of neighborhood kids, have taken on the rigidity of life in a factory or cubicle.  The obsession with quantifying childhood progress has gone so far that charter schools in DC are beginning to conduct high stakes testing for three and four year old children.Over the same time period, incidences of childhood mental illness have steadily increased. The number of children and young adults suffering from major depression and generalized anxiety disorder have increased between five and eightfold since the 1950s. The suicide rate for 15 – 24 year olds has doubled, while the suicide rate for those under the age of 15 has quadrupled.The rise in these mental illnesses is coupled with a decrease in empathy and an increase in narcissism in young people, indicating that their ability to work with others — as is necessary in a society — has been muted. We’re raising a generation of anxious individuals who expect their life’s direction to come to them from orders from above. In short, we’re creating a generation ingrained with an authoritarian mindset.This authoritarian mindset is an unavoidable consequence of the American education system. Indeed, while so-called education reformers insist on more tests, pushing schools to emulate the Chinese, Japanese, and South Korean educational systems, they miss a big piece of the puzzle: educators in those countries consider their systems a failure. Despite performing better than American children on certain international standardized tests, Chinese educators have noted that Chinese students have also demonstrated a “lack of social and practical skills, absence of self-discipline and imagination, loss of curiosity and passion for learning.”Despite this fact, states are pushing ahead with programs like Common Core, which not only threatens our children’s quality of education, but their privacy as well. A great deal of data will be collected under new guidelines proposed by the program. While the purposes of the data collection appear legitimate on their face, mainly focused on keeping track of student progress, we must keep in mind that we are living in the era of Big Data, in which information becomes currency between the government and their corporate benefactors. The data collected on students goes beyond test scores and includes “social security numbers, attendance records, records of interaction with school counselors, identification of learning disabilities, and even disciplinary records.” Of course, having all of this information about every misstep or mistake one has made through his whole life does not bode well in a society in which government and corporate authorities are happy to punish any minor mishap.We are living in an era where every personal decision, such as where to work, where to shop, where to play, who to love, who to befriend, who to worship, what to believe, and what to say, is open to scrutiny by government officials and corporate managers. It’s a poisonous mentality for those hoping to preserve democracy, and it’s being foisted upon our children, whether in the form of bureaucrats fashioning one-size-fits-all educational standards, or police officers investigating innocent activities such as children playing in the street as possible crimes.This situation will only get worse as our children are taught to accept the police state as normal. Between the regimes of zero tolerance, the surveillance of students both in school and in their homes, and the value placed in standardized testing over teaching analytical thinking skills, we are raising a generation which is being encouraged to adopt the authoritarian mindset which pollutes the minds of our government and corporate leaders. By allowing our children to be subject to the forces of the market and the dictates of the state, we are ensuring tyranny within a generation or two, if not sooner.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Excerpt from my book, it's sucking big time. I can't write.

Chapter 1

Back in the late 70’s charming every teacher for every last drop of 50%,  high school was mission; realistically I earned 30’s tops. I had a problem with concentration and gifting apples.

What is wrong with this picture, English 50% Math 50% Science 50%. Shop Class 50% Gym 50% Drama 95% .

My drama teacher Mr. Tennis had an addiction to pot, so did some of his students, I have always had a good set of lungs.

University was not an option for me. I even applied for some courses at community collage but failed the entry exam badly. Dyslexics have a hard time reading, watching movies and learning by trying is the only way it works for us. 

After high school I started off as a bus boy at the Four Season’s Sheraton hotel in Yorkville, and that’s where I made 

my first trade. 

The chief was a lush, Indian man with a turban, first one I ever seen, he was   an alcoholic’s,   alcoholic. His name was Khan. One of their most treasured slaves of the hotel. Movie and rock stars would make their way there for his amazing dishes.

I having sole possession of the keys to the beer fridge and not a lot of loot negotiated my first trade in my life with Khan.

I feed you booze you feed me food. It was working out great, steak, crab, lobster every night till the food and beverage manager Matthias walked in on one of my booze runs.

He was a dip shit always try to pressure the waitresses to suck his dick, he was ugly as shit, but he had power, and got blown once in a while.

I would stash the booze in the garbage, take it up to the kitchen, then wink in Morris code, then Khan would go into it and collect his bounty, never washing his hands, then a dude from room service would bring down my dinner. 

On the night I got busted, Mantises was in a foul mood, no blow jobs for a few weeks, He use to hit on and get some of the young waitress in the SRO room. This prick was ready to explode all over the room. 

I get caught red handed, booze in garbage I was in the kitchen half way threw my transaction. I’m shitting my paints, still a kid.

Chief Khan comes running to my rescue, whispers something in the Matthias’s ear, Matthias’s walks away looking at his shoes like a little boy who just got caught playing doctor with his cousin.  Don’t know what he said.

Open for Business again, obviously he had the dirt on the pervert, I learned a lesson that day, everyone has a price, anyone can be bought and sold. I didn't really do much with that till about 10 years later.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My up coming book. Yes that's me.

The Loser’s Lounge

The Ultimate Success Guide Book

Back cover of book!

Who should not BUY this book?

·       People with strong religious convictions.

·       People that believe University makes you smart.

·       People that love to follow rules and play fair.

·       People that expect perfect grammar and spelling in a book.

·       People offended by fucking profanity.

·       People that love teachers, pats on the head and pleasing.

·       People that read books everyday, fuck you’re annoying.

·       People that blush when talking about kinky sex.

·       People that don’t lie, think it’s bad rather than an Art.

·       People that believe the news.

·       People that don’t like getting hammered and high.

Now that I have excluded 95% of my market and the population lets get down to business and make some loot. Let’s face it, we need bitches, and dumb down monkeys to shine our shoes, wash our cars, and serve our meals and work for us. Society needs peasants.  Not everyone has what it takes to be the owner.

Not everyone can become a Smoking Man!

FIRST Paragraph

How are words invented?

Cunt! One of the most repugnant words in society today. That word congers up all kinds of crazy images in ones head. Where do words like cunt come from? How many of you have asked yourselves that question? Was it invented by a dude who went down on his lady, only to discover she had one bad ass yeast infection, that dripping smelly monster with three eyes was five times the size of a grape fruit while pulsating and squirting out massive chunks of Technicolor slime, he must have just snap his head back almost ripping it off his shoulders and screamed out CUNT!!!!.  

I give you, the birth of a word.

Now that I have scared off every bible thumping, politically correct tree hugging mommas boys and girls lets get down to the business of making money the real way, my audience is down to 5% hopefully.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


As we are all obsessed with loot on Garths pathetic blog, each one spinning opinions based on our bets or lack there of. It seams like the real estate market is having a bounce. 

I was out having a smoke, hot and humid as hell..

Made another amazing discovery, specific parts of female anatomy seam to have a better bounce on days like this.

It leaves me wondering, is the heat and humidity responsible for this phenomenon, or does the heat and humidity make me a more focused observer…?

Hum, better go out for another fix.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Curtain Experiment.

Guys don’t you love this time of the year. Downtown hot humid, the ladies in light summer dresses and perfectly done toe nails. Eye candy galore.
I made a phenomenal discovery about female body language. This is more significant that Track 6ers being stupid.
It’s all about the blouse over the tee shirt, I call the blouse the “Curtains.”

There is a myth that when a woman touches here hair in your space, she has he hot’s for you. Total BS, means nothing, she could be making sure she had just the right amount of cream rinse on. Or just loves her hair.
Now I’m no spring chicken, Bald, early 50’s well-tanned, surprisingly good looking in spite of heavy drinking and smoking. Now every now and then a hottie coming up the escalator will draw the curtains and present the Howitzers, then I watch her eyes and wait for the zero in never fails, all fluid and natural.
Now when a younger one outside the age range I’m talking under 25 is coming up the escalator draws the curtains shut almost every time. Very interesting I’m thinking.
So I was out having a smoke, a 35 ish angle presented, even smiled, I thought I need to test this out.
A few days later see was out there again. Now back in the sixties when I was a kid playing hockey, it was badge of Honour to get your teeth knocked out with a puck, playing defense stopping shots with the face is what I did best, I got my badge. The two bugs bunny teeth are gone, but have fake ones.
So as I approached the door leading to the smoking area, I popped out the teeth. Went close to her, she opens the curtains, I ask for a light, mouth open wide and She lights it , immediately closes the curtains and backs off.
What a discovery, so guys if he Curtains are open, it’s yours to lose is all I’m saying.
Now what does this have to do with Real Estate you ask?
Simple, guys are weak, woman look hotter in the summer and spring, if the wife wants a house, her best chance of getting hubby into extreme debt, and her getting even with a rival beotch, who has a house and who’s Howitzers have a bit more firing power is to plot and do it in Summer and Spring when men are at their weakest. Like a vampires at dawn the fold easily.
Stats prove it.
Just look at the pic up top, cop and chic on the right…Need I say more.
Smoking Man always ahead because he studies the herd.

Friday, June 21, 2013

My code

How I have lived my entire life....
Something over the heads of Bubble Heads

Crank it kids and learn
Only way to live

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

Ramping up my trades

Up 11k using no more than 20k in two months.

As you can see when I transitioned to larger bets few weeks ago I lost at first, you need to have a tolerance for loss. On a 10 lot that's one million in play, getting into the trade you are in the hole 250 bucks. As soon as you click buy or sell. So being down 200 on a 1 lot, is down 2000 on 10 lot. Once I got use to it, I was patient rode the loses till they became profitable, I also found an amazing way to play..

Email dyslexicsmokingman@gmail.com

I will tell you how to do it..

My fee 3 beers at the Duke... :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Shit trading week....

I have a set of rules that I
try and follow...

1) Sell Batman  Buy Camel Toe.
2) Never double down trying to salvage a lose.
3) Never exit a position until till you see a Camel Toe or Batman
4) Never put on a Trade for the sake of it without Camel Toe or Batman evaluation.
5) Never ever have a position on just before a major economic news announcement.
6) Be care full when trading I got confused after trading USDCAD then to GBPUSD
7) Always leave enough margin available so you don't get auto sold...

Well dogs since my last P &L Report I broke all the above rules. Why? Ego......The need to impress you shit heads who follow this shit blog........

Look at the trades Margin Call Box....The first one went against me. I doubled down then tripled down. Went from bad to worse, on the monthly chart I knew I had a good bet, new a turn was due, So I keep open all night at 3 in the morning that -2600 trade was auto sold by FOREX.Com not enough margin to cover.  The trades over night went about 10k in the hole. Well the next morning All my trades are blue, and I am shocked when I discover they sold my 4 bet....As soon as I canceled out the loss, I exited the trade.Big mistake, the trades that were in the money shot up to a 5K profit had I not but the 1 bet on I would not have been forced out. I would not have exited so early. my p&L would be at 12k.....

Jobs report, I have been trading mostly USDCAD So a buy is betting USD will do better than CAD a sell being 180.

I knew the jobs report was going to be shit, So I broke rule 5. This is what happened. I switched to GBPUSD, I want to bet against the USD. So I take out a Sell with a lose stop loss.....That would have fine selling USDCAD but with GBPUSD the opposite.....

I see the jobs disaster on my BBG terminal..YES YES YES
Instantly I'm stopped out. Major trade execution error. WTF

That's trading..............................

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rip Buffs Dec-15-1997 Apr-9-2013

You had a great run sweety you will be missed. She helped me with spelling, before any post..... :(

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Most expensive shit ever

Next week camel toe, batman explained. For now stop loss lesson. After my first week of trading forex did OK, opened the account with 50k, but have had at risk on most trades 1.5k. or 1 unit which equals 100k in the market. biggest bet was 5 units or 7.5k in play=500k in market.

I did OK, except when I needed to take a dump. phone was dying so i looked at my trades was up about 300 bucks, took a risk. go for a poop. well ten min later I pick up my phone, and yes I did wash my hands.
I'm staring at 1000 bucks, but the font was red, not blue. normal I would wait out the trade but batman was breached, so I unloaded.

Never take your eyes off the screen without stops. equities don't move this fast.. But after a week, gambling with an average cost of 1.5 k. I made 2700. or 4% on the 50k not bad.  Had I had stops in, it would have been 3500. Next week  my trades will be with 2 units.

Getting better with the trading system.once an expert add a zero to my wins and dumps....

Next week how I pick my trading .Strategy......

Monday, March 18, 2013

Forex Trading

Using my Camel Toe and Batman indicators for trading forex all I can say is wow, throw in rs and volume is amazing......

Click on blotter to view........

You can open an account for as little as you want, not sure if you can do it via a TSFA got to ask Garth about that one.

Would ask my account but he's always shit faced. Still like him....

The way it works is you bet units, each unit is about 100k in play, cost you about 1.5 k to put on that bet.

Most I had in play was 7.5k at anyone time or about 400k.

Click on chart look at the 3rd trade 75 profit , had 5 units on that one. That sucker went from in the money of about 1200 to 75 faster than I could figure out how to exit the trade. Because I am new to this platform will not be making any big bet till I can execute trades drunk, def and blind.

My only fear is execution errors and slight delay Phone vs Trade Station.....But is workable. What is cool you can trade 24/5.5 days a week. Forsure when I get ready to get shit faced, The Galaxie 3 goes in the safe.

This is not for the faint at heart, was out of the money a few times, huge balls and faith in my batman/camel toe  style keeps me in the game long enough you yield a profit.

Name, account , and trade Ids covered to protect my privacy.

Only thing that sucks and mabey it's there is the market depth, so when I take postions it is going to be multipls of ilimit orders of 1 units, but then again the second last two trades one was market one was limit, got same fill price.....

Suggetion for anyone that wants to try this, go slow, and light for min a year, you will lose till you get a feel for it..And even if you try a demo account, and rock and roll, its a different beast when you have real skin in the game. way different. Mind you money is more like poker chips to me. Never break a sweat collecting it so does not have the same value to me as to a window washer.....Scared money never makes money...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Freedom Defined

Freedom is not Money or Treasure you own, it is not having a gun and being free to walk the streets and do what ever you want. 


Most live in the matrix not cognisant in the slightest of their enslavement to fit in . As humans we look at history and the tragedies of the past. The Jones town massacre, here was a leader who had total control of his followers, he made them give the poison to the kids and drink the rest themselves.

When people worship anything but themselves they are in danger. They can easily be manipulated aggressively, or passively. You worship a god, a celebrity, a govt leader, an activist, a rock star, an Alex Jones or even an Alien. You are not free….You are owned by the machine, spin it all you want, if you are not the centre of your own universe, you are nothing...........

For true freedom is attitude and self-worth. YOU must come first before all else……..Why is this concept of super self love so looked down on by teachers, society , parents, and peers. They invented a word for it, Narcissist, but then again they invent words all the time so as to avoid debate, A (Critical Thinker) is now a Conspiracy Theorist.

They want you disarm you with a word because they have no weapons to fight someone like you.

They all swallowed cool aid, they live in the machines matrix.

They don’t know that another beautiful universe exists outside of it. They follow the rules and the script someone wrote for them. They are fearful of being judged and evaluated in a negative light, they will buy and do dumb things. They seek acceptance at all costs……..Real Estate, Beamers,etc

A free man does not seek acceptance,. he spits at it…

The most fantastic thing a human can do is walk up to a mirror, look at your refection and say. I am the best one in the world, no one is better than me, and if people don’t like the way you are, you consider them scum beneath your toe nails, not worthy of a fraction of a second of your time.

Freedom my friends is Love thy self before all else….and if some of you ever get there, not likely, you will know what freedom really is…….

Not saying you should yell profanities out at all the dumb track 6ers from track5 , be humble in public, but have a zillion megaton nuke bomb of pride inside. and always be ready to pounce on opportunities.

True Freedom is all about attitude. Look at me, I can't write worth a shit, grammar, what grammar. Does it stop me expressing myself, do I hide that fact and cower in fear of being judged negatively . Hell No!! Not a chance. Nothing gives me a bigger thrill than when the schooled chirp me about it. They live in someone Else's movie, play a character that's not natural to them.  In my world I write the script, produce the episodes, and am the lead actor in every scene....It's my movie. and if you don't like it  tough shit.

When people say, Old Man, Beach Girl, and Smoking Man are the say they jump to that conclusion because they recognise we all share something in common, and its not a key board. We love our selves and are not afraid to show it. 

We are free..............................and waiting for others to join us....

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sep/2012 on GF Short Apple Long Samsung

Herb was chirping me see bellow

This is what the Great Herb said about me

#20 Herb on 09.12.12 at 10:05 pm
Speaking of Smoked Man, I surfed around a little to-day and came across a comment attached to an article in Toronto Life about our very own Garth –
You goofs forgot to talk about the great one, the only one the GREATEST PREDICTOR OF THINGS IN THE WORLD
June 19, 2012 at 3:23 pm | by Smoking Man
Did you really write that, you legend in your own mind and paragon of humility?